01 August 2008


Well, it's not like it's just my town that has this, but I've NEVER seen a yellow watermelon before. I mean think of it - a normal watermelon that's green outside, and reddish inside. Now, change that red to lemon yellow; WTF~!!? WHO ARE YOU~!!? Get outta here; I'll slap you.

Anyway, it's been a whirlwind life so far.

*** 27 July 2008

Separation was hard, but I knew that if I thought about it too much, it would slow me down. Rather, I took that energy to fuel my mind for the future.

The flight was long, but luckily I was sitting aisle. I met some cool people (going to Gunma, Shizuoka, Wakayama, Niigata, Shimane, Shikoku, etc.). After we arrived at the Narita airport, I realized how F-ing humid it was. It was TOTALLY not fun AT all. Going through customs wasn't fun, but the worst part was waiting in line for the damn 宅急便 (takkyubin) - SOOO NASTY FEERING~!!!

Afterwards, we boarded the bus to Keio Plaza Hotel and checked in - again, we waited in line for the elevator to get to the rooms. After like 17,000 hours, I finally got to my room and met my roommate, Keith, who's going to 京都 (Kyoto), too. After settling a bit, Keith and I met up with some other people and went to an izakaya - I forgot the name. But let me say this, drinking in an izakaya's fun.

*** 28 July 2008

OMG, I've never been to so many strange workshops in my life. You'd think things would actually be...well, never mind. More than half of the new JETs were falling asleep or ditching, though...what the hell & what the hell.

But afterwards, I met up with my friend Mitzi who's going to...I forgot, but somewhere in the Kanto area. We ended up walking around inner Shinjuku and Kabuki-chou. We SO ran into a lady-boy. その男の人のADAM'S APPLEはほんまにでかい!!!(That dude's adam's apple was F-ing huge).

Btw, I LOVE コンビニ.

*** 29 July 2008

Had a prefectural meeting...ok, that's nice. So after the workshops n'shit, I went out with some of my other friends - Kyle [Shikoku], Mitch [Kochi], Andrew [Hyogo], the only white guy, Shaune [Shizuoka], and the only girl, Kat [???]. We met up and took the Keio Line to Tokyo Tower. We ate there and went up to the observatory deck.

DUDE, the Tokyo Tower mascots look kinda...shanasty...like dog winnies...like winnie tots...not cool. Then it started raining like mad hardcore, but we still decided to WALK to Roppongi after buying some alcohol and umbrellas (yeah, we drank more). We went to a bar called Home...something...and drank there, bonding with each other.

We went back to Shinjuku and ate dinner at a ramen shop. It was DE-LE-JUSS~!!!

*** 30 July 2008

Woke up early to gather to WALK to Shinjuku Station and head to Tokyo Station to catch 新幹線 (shinkansen - bullet train) to Kyoto Station. When we arrived in Kyoto, we walked single file to the Int'l Office Something-or-Other in the shopping area. It was so stupid seeing us walk through the women's department to get to the office...what the hell.

Finally met up with my people and had some tea with them. Went to meet some people at my BoE (Board of Education), and then finally my very apartment. It's nice. I'll blog the apartment details later. At this point, I was so tired, excited, stressed, etc. that now, I'm drawing a blank like hardcore. Something something BUY THESE CHIPS, THEY'RE GOOD something something eat dinner something sleep. That's how crazy it was...and then...

*** 31 July 2008

...and then THIS day happened. I woke up early to go to the City Office to meet the mayor. Then I visited most of my schools that I'm teaching in; met the staff and possibly my new good friend, my 29 year old team-teacher guy...he seems cool. Then I went to the post office to open up a bank account WHAT? for real that happened. Then did some phone shit in the apartment with one of my supervisors.

After what work, my predecessor and I went to Uji to go to a Japanese language class. It was fun, but tiring and hard. After that, I went back home by myself and slept.

*** 1 August 2008

I was picked up by my supervisor to go to the community center to meet some people. Then, I was maybe tricked into going swimming, so I prayed like real hard that I can find a way to get out of agreeing to do something I didn't want to do. He drove to AL Plaza - a department store - to buy a swimming suit. Thank God that I'm American and sizes run small CHURCH~!!!

After that, I went back to work for like 45 minutes when my sup. decided to go. But right when we were about to leave, a reporter from the Kyoto Shinbun wanted to interview me. That didn't take long since communication was difficult. She decided to see what I was doing tomorrow...as I play with Ide's taiko group. That'll be fun. I haven't touched a drum in what seems like ages...kill me now I need it.

We then headed to hit up some lunch at, of all places, Coco's. HOWEVER, they served Japanese food there, so whatever, it was tasty.

The next stop was back at the community center where I hung out with some of the kids playing a watermelon smash game. You blindfold yourself and look for the watermelon. When the people around you help you locate the little watermelon, you SMASH it with a wooden pole. Good ol' fashioned Japanese tradition. Beat the F**K out of a $30 fruit. I tried it, too, so that was fun.

Then I ate a yellow watermelon.

After that, my sup. drove me back home. I then decided to go to Nara to mess around. That was fun.

Finally home, did some cleaning and now I'm blogging. This is REALLY long...I don't like it. I'm stopping now; I'm tired cuz it's almost 1am here.



julie said...

dang! sounds nice aside from the nasty humidity. bet you're wondering what you're missing out on here in VEGAS?! not going to tell you, but it involved special grape jello, taiko-folk, Ravin Rabids, and a hyperactive 3-year old. anyhow, keep keepin' us posted on your ventures. glad you're living in the moment. j

Unknown said...

haha maybe next time you can get that swimsuit. yellow watermelons sound weird. like it would taste like a banana or a pineapple with a fleshy watermelon texture. glad you decided to do the bloggity thing. sounds like you're having fun! can't wait to see what happens in the next episode of the kansai kid's adventures. don dogo, ka, ka, ka~

MlleK said...

sounds like you're having a great time already! you need to post a picture of what that swimsuit looked like. speedos? puahahahaha poke a deer in nara for me!

Jenni said...


so it never phased me that yellow watermelons are weird. but i guess it is. wait till you the see the square watermelons! THOSE are trippy!!

i hope to read more of your adventures!


sachikoro77 said...

ADAM'S APPLE = のどぼとけ(nodobotoke) in Japanese desu~!
Yeah, I know how humid it is over there. Once you feel it Vegas is like heaven! lol
Nishimura sensei must be really really nice person cuz she has same last name with me:)
tell her I said hi! her and I could be related(my dads from Takarazuka city). Well I'm just kidding!
Good luck in Japan and blogging is awesome!
Visit mine too!:)

Tomoko said...

Genki desuka~?
I can tell you are having a
sooo much fun.
I miss "konbini"...obentou,
I miss evrything about Japan
even humid temperature.
I'm looking forward to
your blog from Japan.
Ganbare Noel sa~n.

gianna said...

hey Noel, I'm glad you are having fun, my favorite part of your blog is about smashing the watermelon... keep blogging so we know what you are up to :)

Unknown said...

Way Crazy way fun! Enjoy the time there!

Unknown said...

naraken bunkakaikan?

I'm glad you're ok and having fun and eating tasty japanese food... and a tasty yellow watermelon. Most exciting thing ever!

We're ok here. It's kind of weird though. I wasn't involved with the special grape jello or ravin rabids or anything. there's been weird requests by corporate people so far. Obon is next weekend. We can't wait for it!

Anyway, have fun smashing those watermelons. i want to partake in the tasty wonderful-ness. <3

Unknown said...

NOEL!!! whoa, you sound waaaaaay more busy than i am!!! i don't start work until next month! right now i am chilling in my apartment (since i just got internet) and am contemplating the idea of going out to buy a swifter and a laundry basket. man, the mayor??? you're a rock star! my language class isn't for another two weeks. you're really living a whirlwind life. i know how you felt that one day, though. you're so tired, but you don't want to say "no," so you become a zombie a little. :P it was fun reading about your adventures! thanks for sharing, and i hope you keep posting! :)

Valearia said...

Noel bong. You stole my word. When have you ever used the word "church"? And for your information, it's pronounced chuuch!!! Anyway's, I am so proud of you and glad that you are taking advantage of this AWESOME opportunity. Keep the blogs coming.