19 September 2008

Not making fun, but...

Ok, so I've been correcting some stuff and stumbled upon some very interesting errors - some of which I want to make into t-shirts that I'd proudly wear out in public. Here are some sentences to enjoy:

Original say system finger group.

What do you play sports?

They is one times.

Do you like to play sex?

May I open she boa?

Now, here are some strange translations (word on the left = actual word; word on the right = word practice attempt). The following have helped me through some bad days. I cry with laughter thinking about them. After each one, I've made a simple sentence using the words attempted:

yellow - eielly
* Wow, look at that big, eielly bus!

difficult - bifficult
* It's very bifficult to learn Japanese.

housework - hogs work
* Sometimes, I just don't want to the hogs work.

travel - tolevil
* I need to save more money so I can tolevil the world.

exciting - hoppery
* Living here in Japan is so hoppery.

tomorrow - motorying
* I think it's going to rain motorying.

passport - prarytion
* Yesterday, I misplaced my prarytion.

beach - wactru
* I love running on this sandy wactru!

mountain - motorew
* I've always wanted to know what it's like to pet a motorew cat.

again - hogtry
* I'm sorry, can you repeat that hogtry?

around - ryicu/alinpas
* The dog ran ryicu the village.
* Please stop jumping alinpas the room.

through - stricito
* We will do our best stricito thick and thin!

believe - bilbo
* You must bilbo in yourself.


I love Japan~!!!


S said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! omg that's sooo good! here's the plan (i've decided!)...we're gonna make t-shirts and sell them at EC next year!

MlleK said...

Puahahahaha~! I laughed through this entire blog. "I love running on this sandy wactru." WTF~!!! Ahahaahaha

Kero Hazel said...

"Do you like to play sex?" reminds me of Borat.

I'm surprised your kids are so uninhibited about writing this stuff. Mine don't say/write anything unless they have correct confirmation from at least 18 people around them.

word. said...

damn, you're kids are vulgar! today, i was grading similar shit and the worst i got was 'do you like adult movies?' i answered with a question mark.

take it ez yo.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! This is a step up from "Granmama" and "get out you nose" in chem class! Love it! I'm totally buying a shirt!