17 September 2008


Ok, so there is this lizard called やもり (yamori). In Japanese "ya" can mean "house," and "mori" can mean "bring luck to." Thus, the lizard brings luck to your house. THEREFORE, do NOT kill it~!!! Not a good omen.

Anyway, so I found a やもり in my house the other day. It was cute and scurrying along my hallway. Cute little guy. I guess he wanted some food because I chased him into my kitchen. I picked him up, thanked him for sending me some luck, and released him into the wild. I hope a cat or other rice field creature didn`t eat him.

Here`s what one looks like:

Don`t let the photo fool you. These guys are pretty small (by the way, this is a pic I got off the net...couldn`t take a picture of the one in my house because I didn`t have batteries for my camera...BUUU)~!!!



MlleK said...

Give him a name. Maybe he'll come back and visit you again.

I currently have a daddy long legs speeder in my bathroom and he doesn't want to freggin' leave. I asked him to - but he resists. His name is Titan.

S said...

ahh かわいい! :)

Hakuma said...

Oh, my God!! I wish the pests in MY apartment were that cute and unobtrusive!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a pleasant surprise. Much luck to you!