25 November 2008

A Day in 大阪 & Turkey Substitute (EC Reunion Part II)

It was off to Osaka the next day (Sunday, 23 Nov. 08). I initially wanted to take the crew to Kyoto again to see more stuff, but Saiki had major issues with her Apple laptop, so we went to Osaka to hit up the Apple store.

We dropped off her computer and headed to 風月 (Fugetsu), an お好み焼き (okonomiyaki) restaurant in アメ村 (Amemura - America Village). It was DE-LE-JUSS. I'll let the pictures tell the story~!!!

After finally getting back Saiki's computer, we decided to hit up various stores and stuff around 道頓堀 (Dōtonbori). Naturally, I had to take them to the Glico Man, a well-known landmark, and OF COURSE we HAD to eat たこ焼き (takoyaki) from a street vendor before we left. I wanted to show them more of the area, but alas, we were running out of time (I had planned an early Thanksgiving dinner with them). We finally headed back to my apartment.

FINALLY, time to cook in Papa Noel's Kitchen...EVERYONE GET OUT~!!! Just kidding. Since we were all together and we all were scheduled to work on the day of American Thanksgiving, I decided to plan a dinner for all of us. All the guys took turns helping me out in the kitchen. It was rockin' times - sharing funny moments, cooking & breaking bread together, and telling each other what we were thankful for. And seriously, we were just thankful that we were in each other's company.

The Menu:

Herb Chicken in Mushroom Sauce
Garlic Cheese Mashed Potatoes
Seafood Shumai
Mini Meat Patties
Fish Fry
Brown & White Mix Rice
Alcohol, Juice, & Water


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